Amazing after school care, my daughter have so much fun there!

Eglė Svidraitė Eglė Svidraitė
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Oudercommissie Meerhoven Strijp

Hoi alllemaal, 
Sportstuif Meerhoven Strijp heeft een oudercommissie. In deze blog stellen zij zich graag even voor!

Hi everyone,

Sportstuif Meerhoven Strijp has a parent committee. In this blog they will introduce themselves.


We are Samchenko family, Emily, Liliya and Alex.

Our daughter Emily (she is 10 year old now) joined Sportstuif almost 2 years ago.
Emily is going  to De Startbaan school at Meerhoven while we live at Veldhoven. 


I am Aditya, father of Kiana who is 5.5 years old. Kiana has been coming to sportstuif strijp-s location for the past 1.5 years.  I have seen overall development in my child after she started going to sportstuif. The staff has been very supportive with timely advice from Pedagogical coach whenever required.  Kids really enjoy their after school time here with different activities organised by Sportstuif staff. I became member of parents committee to advise sportstuif management team of parents views on guidelines and incidents that require attention. 


Ons team

Maartje Andonyadis Vestigingsmanager
Maartje Andonyadis Vestigingsmanager
Dafne van der Linden
Dafne van der Linden
Niels der Kinderen
Niels der Kinderen
Jordy Huijsmans
Jordy Huijsmans
Jurre Salden
Jurre Salden
Pedagogisch coaches
Pedagogisch coaches