A very good BSO. Compared with its larger competitor, I appreciate very much the familiar atmosphere and the flexibility of the staff. Everything can still be arranged with f2f conversations, also whatsapp works very effectively. Sportstuif also distinguishes itself by its focus on sportive activities, which start every afternoon for the kids. Even though the facilities are rather simple, I have the impression that my kids are still offered a more meaningful time-pass than what I have seen elsewhere.
Heeft u interesse om uw kind bij Sportstuif aan te melden? Vul dan het onderstaande contactformulier in. Wij nemen dan zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op. U kunt ook rechtstreeks contact met ons opnemen via de onderstaande contactgegevens.
Wij zijn op maandag-, dinsdag-, woensdag-, donderdag- en vrijdagmiddag na schooltijd tot 18:30 uur geopend. Op studiedagen en in schoolvakanties is uw kind ook van harte welkom vanaf 07:30 uur tot 18:30 uur.
Vestigingsmanager: |
Bart Loomans |
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